PAW Patrol Fanon Wiki

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Note: 2 other problems happen but they're small easy problems & Jason (human) is (SistersShiraandSkye)

Summary: The PAW Patrol are having a gathering at the beach with all their friends and 3 new pups, Rocky & Jason (human) met while walking the town, when they have a big issue when a young child walks into the water without anyone noticing. She has trouble swimming and one of the 3 pups save her. Will the 3 pups join the team? Or will they continue being strays?


Peaches says the title card - "3 New Members"

  • one cloudy day in Adventure Bay Rocky and Jason (Human) were walking around the town*

Jason (human): Rocky I can't wait for the get together later

Rocky: I know there will be food, dancing, games, and swimming since its at the beach

Jason (human): yep but it's cloudy and looks like it might rain

Rocky: yeah I agree

  • as we walked we saw three pups at the beach*

Jason (human): huh? Hey Rocky?

Rocky: yeah Jason?

Jason (human): who are they? (Points to the three pups)

Rocky: (sees the pups) I don't know let's find out

Jason (human): okay

  • we walk over to them*

Rocky: hi there

???: huh? Oh hello there

???: hi

???: hello who are you?

Jason (human): I'm Jason

Rocky: I'm Rocky

???: it's very nice to meet you Rocky and Jason I'm Meteor

???: I'm Scorpio

???: hahaha

Rocky: what's so funny?

???: my name is Jason

Jason: hahaha that's funny except I'm human and you're a pup

Jason (pup): right

Meteor: hahaha

Rocky: so do you 3 have a home?

Scorpio: no we're strays

Jason (human): I have an idea Rocky

Rocky: yes what is it?

Jason (human): let's all go to the lookout

Rocky: great idea!

Jason (human): you 3 can come too

Jason (pup): okay let's go!

  • we all go back to the lookout*

Rocky: here we are

Jason (pup): wow this place is huge

Meteor: I agree

Scorpio: yeah

Rocky: the Paw Patrol lives here

Scorpio: we heard about them

Meteor: yeah they're awesome

Rocky & Jason (human): thanks for the kind words

Scorpio: wait they're Paw Patrol members

Jason (pup): oh yeah Jason you're the sports director and Rocky's the eco-pup

Rocky: yep

  • everyone comes outside*

Ryder: welcome back you 2 (sees the new pups) who are they?

Everest: yeah who are they?

Jason (human): pups, Ryder I'd like you to meet Meteor, Scorpio, & Jason

Comet: hey you three I remember seeing you 3 before

Scorpio: yep we had gotten lost in the woods and you helped us out

Comet: correct

Jason (pup), Scorpio, & Meteor: anyways hello

All (but Comet, Jason (human) & Rocky): hi

Jason (human): oh before I forget these are the pups (introduces everyone)

Meteor: we know a lot about you guys

Skye: cool

Shira: yeah

Scorpio: what's going on today?

Primrose: well we would be going to a get together with all our friends but...

Meteor: but what?

Rubble: it's supposed to rain

Meteor: uh no it's not it's going to clear up

Chase: huh?

Zuma: dude how do you know that?

Marshall: yeah

Meteor: I'm a meteorologist

Everest: a meteor what?

Meteor: a meteorologist

Zuma: what's that?

Meteor: a meteorologist is a person or pup who studies the weather

Skye: oh okay

Scorpio: he's good at his job

Skye: I see

Rocky: you sure about it becoming sunny?

Meteor: yep

Jason (human): haha Meteor is right look up

  • we all look up*

Marshall: what?!

Ryder: I guess Meteor is right

Rubble: yep it cleared up and is now sunny

Skye: whoa he's good!

Meteor: why thank you Skye

Skye: you're welcome

Zuma: what about you two dudes? Do you have jobs?

Jason (pup): well I'm actually a lifeguard pup

Zuma: dude that's so cool!

Jason (pup): thanks dude!

  • everyone laughs*

Chase: so how about you Scorpio?

Scorpio: no I don't have a job

Rubble: that's okay

Everest: not everyone has a job

Comet: that's correct I'm their friend, I don't have a job

Peaches: same for me I don't have a job either but Ryder did give me a home here

Scorpio: cool

Ryder: come on everyone let's grab everything and go to the beach

Chase: yeah!

Skye: I hope they play a slow song because Chase and I will dance together

Chase: hehehe that's right my love

Scorpio: love?

Skye: yep

Shira: hahaha Skye is dating Chase

Scorpio: oh okay

Jason (pup): Shira, Skye are you two sisters?

Shira: yep

Meteor: that's cool now let's all go in and grab stuff

Scorpio: I'll wait here

Chase: I'll wait with him

All (but Chase & Scorpio): okay

  • we all go inside while Scorpio & Chase wait*

Chase: oh no this is bad

Scorpio: what's wrong?

Chase: I'm not good at slow dancing!

Scorpio: I can help

Chase: you can?!

Scorpio: yep because I actually do have a job

Chase: you do? What is it?

Scorpio: a dance teacher

Chase: really?! Why didn't you say that before?

Scorpio: I'm embarrassed

Chase: oh okay

Scorpio: okay follow me

Chase: okay

  • they both go behind the lookout*

Scorpio: okay let's start (stands on hind legs) stand on your hind legs

Chase: okay (stands on hind legs) now what?

Scorpio: (holds Chase's paws) okay you're the male pretend I'm Skye and lead me

Chase: okay (leads Scorpio)

Scorpio: great job that's all you need to do

Chase: really?!

Scorpio: yep and you were going kind of going at a medium pace just slow it down a bit

Chase: um okay?

Scorpio: like this (shows Chase)

Chase: oh okay thanks Scorpio!

Scorpio: no problem now let's get back

Chase: alright and don't worry I won't tell anyone

Scorpio: thanks Chase

Chase: no problem now let's go!

Scorpio: right!

  • they run back to the front of the lookout*
  • we all come back out and see them sitting there*

Shira: hi you two are you ready?

Chase & Scorpio: yeah!

Everest: let's go!

Peaches: yep

Ryder: okay everyone get your trucks unless some of you are carpooling

Everyone (but Ryder): right

Jason (human): okay Chase, Zuma, Skye, Peaches, Comet, & Scorpio you 6 are coming with me right?

Scorpio, Chase, Zuma, Skye, Peaches & Comet: right!

Jason (pup): I'm riding with Marshall

Marshall: yep

Meteor: Rocky I'm with you

Rocky: yep

Everest: Rubble I'm going with you

Rubble: correct

Ryder: the rest of you are driving right?

All (but the carpoolers and Shira): yep

Shira: I'm flying over there

Ryder: oh right, let's go!

All: right!

  • we all get in our vehicles and drive off except Shira who uses her power to fly there*
  • we all arrive at the beach*

Peaches: this is going to be fun!

Comet: I agree!

  • we all get out and run to the beach as Shira lands*

Jason (pup): let's have some fun!

Ryder: right!

Katie: hi everyone!

Captain Turbot & Mayor Goodway: hi

Alex & Mr. Porter: hi paw patrol!

All: hi!

Katie: let's have fun!

  • we all split up and do different things*

Ryder: Katie do you think Meteor, Scorpio, & Jason (pup) will make good additions to the team?

Katie: yeah what are their jobs?

Ryder: Meteor is a meteorologist, Jason (pup) is a lifeguard and Scorpio I have no idea

Katie: Scorpio must have a job

Ryder: yeah

  • meanwhile Primrose, Zuma, Comet, Jason (pup), & Meteor are swimming*

Jason (pup): I love the water!

Meteor: me too!

Comet: me 3!

Zuma & Primrose: we were born to swim!

  • all laugh*
  • meanwhile Shira, Skye, Jason (human), Rocky, Mayor Goodway, & Captain Turbot are playing volleyball*

Jason (human): Skye! (Hits it to her)

Skye: sis! (Hits it up)

Shira: "It's PI time!" (Spikes the ball and it moves on its own, dodging all of the other team and we score)

Rocky: no!

Mayor Goodway: wow she's good!

Captain Turbot: hahaha I agree!

Shira: thanks

  • Alex, Marshall, Rubble, Peaches, Everest & Mr. Porter are relaxing*
  • Meanwhile with Chase & Scorpio*

Scorpio: yes that's it! Great job!

Chase: thanks buddy

Scorpio: no problem

Katie: time for a slow dance! (Puts slow music on)

Chase: (gulps) it's time

Scorpio: you can do it look there she is

Chase: thanks again (goes to Skye)

Skye: baby would you like to dance?

Chase: yes I would love to

  • They dance to the slow song*

Skye: your great Chase

Chase: thanks I had help

Skye: from who?

Scorpio: (walks up) from me

Skye: what?!

Scorpio: I'm a dance teacher

Skye: cool!

Ryder: (walks up) Scorpio that's your job?

Scorpio: hehehe yep

Ryder: oh okay

  • just then they heard a scream for help*

Woman: help my child can't swim!

Girl: help!!...(Passes out)

Ryder: oh no! Zuma!

Zuma: I never brought my hovewcwaft

Primrose: I have my duck!

Ryder: okay Primrose let's go!

  • they get in their vehicles and go to the kid*

Primrose: ruff bouey! (A bouey shoots out)

  • the child goes under*

Ryder: oh no!

  • he scuba dives down and gets the girl an sits her on the bouey*

Ryder: okay Primrose

Primrose: you got it! (Drives to shore)

Women: my daughter does anyone know CPR?

Jason (pup): I do! (Does CPR and she wakes)

Girl: mommy! (Runs to her mom and hugs her)

Woman: (hugs her daughter) thanks so much

Ryder: no problem "whenever you're in trouble just yelp for help!"

Woman: okay (leaves with her daughter)

Mayor Goodway: time to eat!

All (but mayor Goodway): yea food!

  • we go and eat*

All: that was yummy

Jason (human): well it's late

Ryder: well everyone time to go

All: okay

  • we all leave the beach and go back to the lookout*
  • at the lookout*

Ryder: Scorpio, Jason (pup), & Meteor?

Meteor, Jason (pup), & Scorpio: yes Ryder?

Ryder: how would you 3 like to join the team?

Meteor: yes please

Scorpio: okay

Jason (pup): I'm in

Ryder: okay great

  • they do the pledge*

Ryder: Scorpio you're our new dance teacher pup

Scorpio: thanks Ryder

Ryder: you're welcome Meteor you're our meteorologist pup and Jason (pup) you're the lifeguard pup

Meteor & Jason (pup): thanks Ryder!

Ryder: no problem (gives them their gear an collars)

Scorpio, Meteor, & Jason (pup): awesome!

Ryder: hehehe welcome to the team

Scorpio: awesome!

Meteor: yeah!

Jason (pup): this is so cool!

Ryder: well pups & Jason (human) time for bed its 9:50 pm

All (but Ryder): okay Ryder

  • we all go to bed to end a great day*

The End
